"The Value of Our Worth" (2020) by Ken Divine

This post isn't anything directly Ghana-related.  Its purpose is to promote a book my big bro, Ken Divine, just published titled The Value of Our Worth.  And I decided to do so on this blog since I had the pleasure of editing it myself.


The Value of Our Worth centers on the plight of female athletes.  More specifically, it focuses on women basketball players at all levels (elementary, high school, collegiate and professional).  I knew that female athletes in traditionally-male sports tend to face criticism, but this novel proved to be an eye-opener in terms of some of the discouraging challenges they have to go through.

My favorite aspect of the book is the dialogue.  In all, the presentation is also quite intriguing, almost like reading a movie.  In fact, I told Ken that he would by all means have to come out with a sequel to tie-up some of the lingering storylines.  And for some strange reason I found myself favoring the book's antagonists.

It should be noted that it is not a traditional novel but rather a photonovel.  The easiest way to describe a photonovel is as a comic book which features photographs of real people (i.e. actors) as opposed to drawings.

But likening this work to a comic book is far from a comprehensive description, because it isn't about superheroes or anything fictional per se.  Rather Ken Divine - again being my own brother - has been actually coaching women's basketball for about as long as I can remember.

Ken has his own online shop, KDP Store, hosted on a platform called Etsy.  In addition to a number of photonovels he has written, he also sells various items of clothing, especially those with national themes.  The book itself can be purchased via this link.  And once the transaction is complete, it is instantly downloadable as a PDF file.

Also, just as a side note for interested readers who may be in Ghana, Etsy only accepts payments through credit and debit cards, PayPal and other such services, which many of us don't have access to.  So if you are interested in purchasing the book or anything else from the KDP Store, you can hit me via malcolm@ghfind.net, and I can facilitate the transactions for you.


Before closing out, I would like to also use this opportunity to let the world know that I am a (remote) editor for hire.  And besides the above email address, you can find my additional contacts and more information at GHfind.net.

Last revised on 8 May 2024